Thursday, February 9, 2017

The Magical Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar A)

SuryaNamaskar A, the classic Sun Salutation yoga sequence, is the perfect way to start your day, warm up for your yoga practice, or take a break to gather your focus.  By pairing each movement with a breath, you’ll get your heart pumping and your blood flowing while you gently warm up your joints – and your mind. 

Here’s the classic sequence:

1.  Begin in Mountain Pose (Tadasana).  Stand with your feet rooted in the earth like a mountain.  Tuck your tail a little and pull in your belly button.  Flex your arms downward and spread your fingers.  Take a deep breath to start then exhale completely.

2.  Upward Hands (Urdhva Hastasana). Breathe in while you lift your arms up and over your head.  Reach toward the sun like you are making your body taller. Relax your shoulders. 

3.  Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana). Breathe out and swan dive to the floor. Let your head hang and lengthen your spine.  Place your hands on the floor if you can.  It’s OK to bend your knees if it feels good!

4.  Tabletop / Horizon / Half Standing Forward Fold (Ardha Uttanasana).  Breathe in and make your back flat like a tabletop. Look out over the horizon.  Reach your heart forward as you gently squeeze your shoulder blades together.  Let your arms hang or put your hands on your shins or thighs.

5. Push Down (Chattaranga Dandasana). Place your hands flat on the floor.  Breathe out, step back to plank and lower to the floor.  Or you can jump both feet back at once to lower to the ground with your exhale in one fluid movement. Keep your hands under your shoulders and your elbows close to your sides.

6.  Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva Svanasana). Breathe in and push into your hands to lift your chin, chest, and knees off the ground.  Only your hands and feet touch the floor.  Your body should be curved like a ski jump.

7.  Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana).  Tuck your toes under, then breathe out and push your tail back and upward.  Move your heels toward the ground and push the floor away with your hands.  You should look like a big upside down letter “V”.  Let your head hang. 

8.  Tabletop / Horizon / Half Standing Forward Fold (Ardha Uttanasana).  Look between your hands, then jump or step your feet there.  Breathe in and make your back flat like a tabletop.  Look out over the horizon. 

9.  Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana). Breathe out and lengthen your spine.  Let your hands hang or place them on the floor.

10.  Upward Hands (Urdhva Hastasana). Breathe in fully as you swan dive your arms back up and over your head.  Make your body taller or add a gentle backbend.

Exhale back to Mountain Pose (1) to finish, or keep going.  Do a single salutation or 10 slow salutations.  Explore pausing in Downward Facing Dog taking two extra deep breaths or pedaling your feet.  Try 20 or 50 rapid salutations to vary your routine. Count to 10 to monitor your breathing and keep your mind focused, or repeat your favorite Sanskrit mantra or English affirmation.  Use the Yoga Teddy Bear Sun Salutation Infographic to help you remember this creative and invigorating sequence.

This video of me doing the Sun Salutation in gorgeous Vail, CO to the voice of Yoga Teddy Bear can help you with the Sanskrit names of these popular poses as well as assist you with the breathing rhythm of the flow.

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