Monday, February 20, 2017

Presidents Day Pose: Warrior 2

Happy President's Day!  Today we honor George Washington, Abe Lincoln and all past presidents of our great nation.  From the mountains to the prairies, from sea to shining sea, we celebrate the fact that we are able to speak our opinions and beliefs freely and hold our leaders accountable for their actions.  Let us never take for granted the wisdom of our democracy which allows us the opportunity to elect a new POTUS every four years.  

The Pose:
Warrior 2 (Virabhadrasana B).  It is fitting today to emulate the stance of the Warrior.  By reflecting in our bodies what we feel in our minds, we reinforce our intentions.  My intention this year is to stand firm in my beliefs and be willing to fight for what is right.  The best weapon of all?  Love!

To practice Warrior 2, take a big step forward.  Bend your front knee so you can see your toes.  Turn your back heel down and turn your hips and shoulders to the side.  This is the stance of the warrior who is ready to react.  Stretch your front arm forward over your bent knee and pull the back arm behind you slowly as if drawing an arrow of love.  Your arms find a straight line with your palms facing down to draw energy from the earth.  Look over your front hand with eyes of focused determination.  Pull your belly button in and lengthen your spine to make yourself taller. Breathe deeply and surf the waves of change with the ease of a powerful warrior.  

Stay in Virabhadrasana B for 5-10 long deep breaths, then step out for one full breath before repeating the steps on the other side for the same amount of time.

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