Saturday, October 7, 2017

Dive Deeper into Dolphin

yoga, yoga teddy bear, dolphin, dolphin pose, makarasana, arch pincha mayurasana, yoga ed, 108 yoga poses, coloring book, coloring contest

Here’s an effective way to tighten your tummy and your triceps at the same time: dive into Dolphin Pose (Ardha Pincha Mayurasana or Makarasana). Sometimes called “Pike”, Dolphin is a fantastic way to strengthen your core and arms without compromising your back. Dive even deeper by adding a forearm plank, and you’ll really make a splash!

Start on all fours with your knees under your hips and your forearms resting on the floor. Keep your hands flat on the floor, or if you prefer you can press the palms of your hands together like a dolphin fin. Tuck your toes behind you to make your way into a forearm plank. Hold for 3-5 slow breaths pulling your belly toward your spine. Next, lift your tail upward. Bend your knees or straighten your legs, but make sure your back is long and strong.
Yoga, yoga teddy bear, dolphin pose, plank pose, forearm plank pose, makarasana, ardha pincha mayurasana, yoga education, core strength, tricep strength, workout

Let your head hang or look down between your hands. From here you might walk forward and lift one leg, then the other. If it’s part of your practice you might move into an arm stand. For a short workout, shift slowly between Dolphin and Plank, holding each for 3-5 breaths.  When you’re finished, lower to the floor, turn your head to one side and breathe deeply. You’ve done it swimmingly!

Images: Coloring page from Yoga Teddy Bear’s Big Little Coloring Book of 108 Yoga Poses colored by Miss Michele Palumbo, Bay Shore, NY. Enter our free coloring contest to win prizes. Pictures of Yoga Teddy Bear creator K. Mae Copham by Robert Oakley in New Paltz, NY.

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