Friday, June 9, 2017

Go Deeper with Rabbit Pose (Sasangasana)

The rabbits may be sniffing for something tasty in your garden. The minute you catch them, they’ll hop away and scurry down the nearest rabbit hole. Take a hint from the rabbit and try Sasangasana to get deep into the dark spaces of your spine and back.

To practice Rabbit Pose, kneel on the floor with your toes tucked. Curve your back and reach your forehead toward the space between your knees like a shy rabbit making its way toward a rabbit hole. Grab your heels with your hands. Breathe in deeply. Breathe out as you lift your hips and gently roll forward so the top of your head touches the floor.

If your back is really flexible, you may even be able touch your head to your knees. Regardless of where you are today, press your heels into your hands and keep your chin tucked into your chest. Take long four-count breaths to really open up the space between your ribs and lengthen your spine. Namaste!

Coloring from Yoga Teddy Bear's Big Little Book of 108 Yoga Poses by Isabelle Bergman, Blekinge, Sweden. Isabelle won an Upward Dog/Downward Dog t-shirt. You can win prizes too – all you have to do is enter the contest for a chance to win! Image of K. Mae Copham by Robert Oakley next to his garden in New Paltz, NY.

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