Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Today's Twist: Revolved Triangle (Parivtta Trikonasana)

Revolved Triangle (Parivtta Trikonasana) keeps your bodily mechanics oiled in many ways, such as detoxifying your internal organs, challenging your sense of balance, toning your arms and legs, and releasing tension in your chest and between your shoulder blades.  Here’s a quick step-by-step guide to Parivtta Trikonasana.

Begin in Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana.)  First inhale in Mountain Pose, then exhale and take a big step forward.  Turn your back foot so you’re facing to one side.  Reach your arms out like a capital “T”.  Breathe in and slide forward over your straight front leg, then breathe out while you slowly teeter totter your arms until your front hand touches your leg or the floor.  Reach your other fingertips toward the sky.  Feel as though you are leaning back slightly.  Take three deep breaths in Triangle Pose, allowing your hips to relax and your heart area to open wide.

To revolve your triangle, simply switch your hands.  Your hips will shift to face forward slightly.  Take your upper hand and place it on the ground or on your front ankle.  Once you feel balanced, raise your other hand toward the sky.  Breathe deeply and twist for at least three long breaths. 

Finish by moving back into Triangle Pose, then slide back up so your arms are parallel to the ground.  Switch the direction of your feet so that you are facing the opposite direction, then repeat the process for the same amount of time with your other leg in front. 

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