Thursday, May 21, 2015

To Build A House…

If you want to build a house, where do you start?  Once you have your plan and are ready to build, you begin with the foundation and build up.   It doesn’t make sense to erect the walls or finish the roof before your foundation is laid.  In the same way, every yoga pose starts with a foundation.  Once you master the foundation of a pose, you can build your way up with confidence.  Why?  Because your cornerstones are set and your footing is solid. 

Here are four foundational yoga poses that are used in almost every class.  They may seem simple, but depending on your level of flexibility, strength and balance, these poses can be surprisingly challenging.  Practice these poses mindfully to finesse their nuances before moving on to seemingly more difficult poses.  

1.  Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

Mountain Pose is the quintessential standing yoga pose and the foundation of all standing poses ranging from Tree Pose to Chair Pose.  Think of it as active standing. Practice it any time, even while you’re waiting in line.  Stand with your feet rooted in the earth like a mountain.   Become aware of every contact point your feet make with the ground and try to evenly distribute your weight.  Spread your toes.  Tuck your tail a little and pull in your belly button to engage your abdominal muscles.  Flex your arms downward and spread your fingers.   Activate your leg muscles by flexing your thighs.  Take a deep breath and reach the top of your head toward the sky.  Relax your shoulders.  Make yourself tall and strong.

2.  Stick Pose (Dandasana)

Stick Pose is the starting point for seated positions like forward folds and twists.  Mastering it helps you connect your tailbone with the Earth while you create a line of energy to the top of your skull.  It also flexes and stretches your hip joints and when done correctly, strengthens your abdominal muscles.  To begin, sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you.  Place your palms flat on the ground by your sides.  Inhale and make yourself tall by lifting the top of your head toward the ceiling.  Pull your belly button in toward your spine.  Lengthen your spine and keep your back straight.  Try to look like a capital letter “L.”

3.  Table Pose (Bharmanasana)

Table Pose is the perfect foundation for all downward-facing poses, from child’s pose to headstand.  Begin on your hands and knees with the tops of your feet on the floor.  Make yourself into a solid table by placing your hands directly beneath your shoulders and your knees directly beneath your hips.  This is the measuring tool for your foundation: your shoulders and hips are visuals for the measured placement of your arms and legs.   Pull your belly button in and look about four inches in front of you so that you lengthen your neck.  Pull your shoulders away from your ears.  Breathe in.  Breathe out.

4.  Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
An integral part of many yoga flows, you’ll rarely find a yoga class that doesn’t incorporate Downward Facing Dog.   It is the most restful inversion, or upside-down-pose.  Inversions are important for the movement of blood and energy to your brain, and they’re playful and fun as well.  To achieve your best Downward Dog, begin in Table Pose so your hands and feet are correctly measured.  Tuck your toes under, then push your tail upward.  Keep your hands and feet in place as you move your heels toward the ground and actively press through your palms.  Open your heart up toward your legs so that your back is as flat as possible.  Let your head hang.  You should look like an upside down letter “V” in this pose.  Breathe deeply and luxuriate as the back of your body opens to release all the tension created by long hours in a chair or on your feet.

Practice these poses in earnest and you’ll be glad you did.  Your house will be solid and ready for the challenges you want to undertake in your practice.  Any time you want to try a difficult pose, remember to start with your foundation.  Although they seem basic, these poses are the key to building your poses from the ground up, giving you the stability, connecting points and measurements optimal performance.

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